
 2021-04-19 10:04

摘 要



The Thoughts on the Formation of Chinese Enterprise Carbon Accounting System under Low-Carbon Economy


The development process of new energy is slow, and the global world still practices production activities by traditional high-carbon energy. The pollution which discharged by these production activities do great harm to the environment which will react to economy. Because of this satiation, the low-carbon economic model will become a predominant direction to be studied by countries in their economic model development. at the same time, accounting system will have some adjustments which cause the appearance of carbon accounting system according to the recognition and measurement of carbon emission. as a developing country, with the lack of various resources, in order to walk on the road of sustainable development, china has no choice but to practice low-carbon economic model. Carbon accounting system has an important meaning to the control of carbon emission, the management of environment and the contribution of the development on low-carbon economic model. This paper focus on the enterprises' carbon trading and discusses on the base of existing financial accounting system, in order to analysis the differences and connections between Chinese traditional financial accounting system and carbon accounting system and acquire recognition and measurement according to its features. in the conclusion, this paper will give advice on the government subsidies for the enterprises who take the initiative to disclose their carbon emissions.

Key words: Low-carbon economy;carbon accounting;carbon emission;accounting system

目 录

1碳会计研究背景及意义 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.1.1国际背景 1

1.1.2国内背景 2

1.2研究意义 2

2我国碳会计体系构建的可行性分析 4

2.1我国碳会计体系构建的SWOT分析 4

2.1.1优势分析(S) 4

2.1.2劣势分析(W) 4

2.1.3机会分析(O) 5

2.1.4挑战分析(T) 5

2.2分析总结 6

3我国碳会计体系构建 7

3.1碳会计的确认与计量 8

3.1.1碳会计的资产构成类型 8

3.1.2碳排放权的确认与计量 9

3.2碳会计信息披露 14

4我国碳会计体系构建困境及解决对策 18

4.1困境 18

4.2建议 18

结 论 20

致 谢 21

参考文献 22




步入21世纪以来世界环境污染问题愈演愈烈,各国的生产活动仍然需要依赖传统的高碳能源,这造成了经济发展与环境保护间出现了矛盾。为了缓解矛盾,保护环境的同时保障经济可持续发展,世界各国都积极制定解决方案,寻找经济发展新模式,低碳经济(Low-carbon Economy)这一经济发展新模式开始进入人们的视线。低碳经济一词最早出现的官方文件是英国《我们未来的能源——创建低碳经济》白皮书(2003)。低碳经济概念一经提出便博取国内外研究学者的广泛关注。英国刚提出概念的时候并没有对其经行充分说明,但是提出了一个明确目标:2010年的二氧化碳排放量要比1990年的排放量低20%,到2050年减少60%,低碳经济社会建立。从该目标可以看出,发展低碳经济的关键就是减少碳排放,最直接的办法就是减少以二氧化碳(CO2)为主的温室气体中的碳化气体排放。经过一段时间的发展,低碳经济理论日益成熟,当下得到较多认可的低碳经济特征是:“低碳排放”、“高碳生产力”和“阶段性”。“低碳排放”指的是无论从国际公平原则、人际公平原则还是资源投入与产出成本效益原则来看都是要减少温室气体的排放量。“高碳生产力”是要求每排放单位的二氧化碳要产生更多的GDP,意味着用更少的能源和物质消耗产出更多的社会财富。“阶段性”是指各国所处的发展阶段不同,因此各国的碳排放量所呈现的不同特征。


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