
 2023-02-15 02:02


摘 要







Research on The Correlation Between Ramp;D Investment And Financial Performance of Gem


At present, the high and new technology industry develops rapidly, and the promotion of global economic growth has become a new force. No matter which country, the development of high-tech industry has become the focus of national development strategy, to venture into the strength of each country in increasing, enough to illustrate the gem companies ramp;d investment and financial performance, it is very necessary. However, scholars have not yet unified the conclusion about the correlation between ramp;d investment and financial performance.

Through the theory of technological innovation, human capital theory and new growth theory, this paper mainly adopts the method of empirical research and analysis. Research and analysis of the listed companies listed in the top 100 listed companies before December 29, 2017. Combining these sample enterprises in the annual report disclosure of information on research and development activities, to research and development strength and personnel proportion as the independent variable, the profit ability, operating ability and development ability three aspects reflect the financial performance, including the operating profit margin, return on total assets, current assets turnover ratio, total assets turnover, operating income growth and capital accumulation, at the same time, the six ratio as the dependent variable, build the gem companies relationship model of investment and financial performance.

Through the empirical research, this paper analyzes the relationship between the financial performance of the listed companies and hopes to promote the development of the listed companies. (1) the correlation between ramp;d investment and financial performance of China"s gem companies; (2) the effective allocation of management resources plays a certain role in helping investors to enhance their investment confidence; (3) it is conducive to the formulation of relevant policies by the government departments so as to promote the sustainable development of society.

The following conclusions are drawn from the research: first, the ramp;d intensity of China"s gem listed companies is generally low; Secondly, ramp;d intensity is positively correlated with profitability, operational capacity and development ability. Third, ramp;d personnel have a certain relevance to profitability, operational capacity and development capabilities.

At the end of the paper, it is suggested that government departments should strengthen the supervision of data, effectively implement relevant policies and enhance the investment of innovation. Enterprise shall, within the scope of their abilities, as much as possible to cultivate and mining has the talent and ability of research and development personnel, for the growth enterprise market research and development activities to contribute the continued effectively.

Keywords: Gem company; Ramp;D investment; Financial performance


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究思路及内容 1

1.3.1 研究思路和框架 1

1.3.2 研究内容 2

1.4 研究方法 2

1.4.1 文献研究法   2

1.4.2 实证研究法   3

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 工业财务绩效研究 4

2.1.1研发投入与财务绩效呈正相关 4

2.1.2 研发投入与财务绩效呈现矛盾相关性 4

2.2高新技术产业财务绩效研究 4

2.2.1研发投入与财务绩效呈正相关 4

2.2.2研发投入与财务绩效呈现矛盾相关性 5

2.3上市公司财务绩效研究 5

2.3.1研发投入与财务绩效呈正相关 5

2.3.2研发投入与财务绩效呈负相关 5

2.3.3研发投入与财务绩效不显著相关 5

第三章 相关概念和理论分析 6

3.1 相关概念 6

3.1.1创业板 6

3.1.2研发投入 7

3.1.3财务绩效 7

3.2 相关理论 7

3.3 本章小结 7

第四章 实证研究设计 8

4.1 相关研究假设 8

4.2 样本选择与变量的选择 8

4.2.1 样本选取 8

4.2.2 数据来源 8

4.2.3 变量选择 9

4.3 构建模型 10

4.4本章小结 11

第五章 实证研究分析 12

5.1 总体描述性统计分析 12

5.1.1研发强度的描述性统计分析 12

5.1.2研发人员占比的描述性统计分析 13

5.2 Pearson相关性分析 13

5.3 回归分析 14

5.3.1 Ramp;D投资对盈利能力的回归分析 14

5.3.2研发投入对营运能力的回归分析 15

5.3.3研发投入对发展能力的回归分析 17

结 论 18

致 谢 20

参考文献(References) 21

第一章 绪 论


1.1 研究背景



