
 2023-02-15 02:02


摘 要





Analysis of Regional Economic Development Status Based on Corporate Financial Performance-Taking Jiangsu as an Example


The development of regional economy based on the financial performance of enterprises is a topic worthy of study. This paper takes Jiangsu as an example. Jiangsu"s comprehensive economic strength has always been at the forefront of China. In 2013, Jiangsu realized 5 trillion and 916 billion 180 million yuan of GDP, up 9.6% from last year, ranking second in China"s provinces. Per capita GDP reached 74607 yuan, ranked first China provinces. In 2014, the GDP of Jiangsu was 6 trillion and 508 billion 830 million yuan. The development of regional economy can not only promote the development of local government enterprises, the transformation of industrial structure, and the improvement of economic structure, but also promote the development of national economy and help poor areas like Jiangsu province.

To analyze the development of regional economy in Jiangsu Province, we mainly use empirical analysis to evaluate the financial performance of enterprises, select 10 representative listed companies in Jiangsu province by financial software, and then select the regional economic level from 2015 to 2016. First of all, we should build a financial performance evaluation model to evaluate the financial performance of the listed companies with representative enterprises in Jiangsu province. The choice financial terminal is used to collect the enterprise data that needs to be evaluated. For the development of regional economy, the regional economic changes have been continuously observed for several years. The most important thing is to analyze the impact of corporate financial performance on the regional economy, find the relationship between them, establish the evaluation model, and then use the principal component analysis method.

The purpose of this study is to find out whether the financial performance of the enterprise and the development of the regional economy is positive or negative. Through the combination of theory and practice, combined with the actual data, standard analysis methods, a comprehensive study of the evaluation system is carried out, through empirical research, we find out the two relations. Through the discussion and research, we find that the development of regional economy is closely related to the development of enterprises in the region. The financial index system plays an important role not only in enterprises, but also in regional economy. In order to promote the rapid development of regional economy, we need to pay attention to the four abilities, such as business management, debt service, development and profit.

Keywords: Financialperformance; regionaleconomies; Listedcompany; financialindex; Evaluation model


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 2

1.3.1 研究内容 2

1.3.2 研究方法 2

1.3.3基本思路 2

1.4 论文框架 2

1.4.1 论文框架 2

1.4.2 创新点 2

第二章 财务绩效的文献综述 3

2.1企业财务绩效评价的文献综述 3

2.1.1国外关于公司绩效评价的研究 3

2.1.2国内关于公司绩效评价的研究 3

2.2区域经济发展相关的文献综述 4

2.2.1国外区域经济理论 4

2.2.2国内区域经济理论 4

第三章 企业财务绩效和区域经济发展 6

3.1 企业财务绩效对区域经济发展的作用 6

3.1.1 绩效评价与企业财务绩效评价 6

3.1.2 企业财务绩效对区域经济发展的促进作用 6

3.2 区域财务绩效的研究 7

3.2.1 区域经济发展 7

3.2.2 区域经济发展的的评价研究 7

3.3 上市公司发展对区域经济发展的带动作用 7

3.3.1 上市公司的重要性 7

3.3.2 上市公司推动区域产业结构的转型升级 7

3.3.3上市公司推动其他中小企业发展 8

3.3.4上市公司推动区域资源配置以及跨区域的资源支持 8

第四章 上市公司企业财务绩效体系的构建与评价 9

4.1 财务绩效指标体系的构建 9

4.1.1 财务指标的选取原则 9

4.1.2 财务绩效指标评价体系的构建 9

4.2 财务绩效指标的评价的方法 10

4.2.1 杜邦分析法的概念 10

4.2.2 杜邦分析方法的基本思路 11

4.3 杜邦分析法的模型 11

4.4 从企业财务的微观看区域经济的宏观发展 12

第五章 以江苏省上市公司为例的代表性企业分析 13

5.1 江苏省上市公司的数据 13

5.2 运用分析方法进行分析 15

5.3 对分析结果进行总结评价 17

5.3.1江苏省经济发展现状 17

5.3.2 从综合角度分析 18

5.3.3 江苏省上市公司财务绩效的整体分析 19

第六章 研究结论、建议与展望 20

6.1 对区域经济的研究结论 20

6.2 对区域经济以后的发展的建议和展望 20

6.2.1 对区域经济发展的建议 20

6.2.2 对区域经济发展的展望 21

结 论 22

致 谢 23

参考文献(References) 24

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

现代社会快速发展,越来越多的人感受到区域经济发展在我们生活中的重要性,人们都相继开始关注区域经济发展。在专家学者对区域经济发展进行研究的时候要综合考虑影响区域经济的各项因素,除了一些传统指标之外由于我国地域宽广,人口众多,并且由我国发展中国家的国情所决定,研究区域经济发展对我国经济总体发展有重要的作用。区域经济的发展除了传统的指标以外,还有当地公司的财务绩效这个部分。因此研究公司财务绩效,对于研究区域经济发展具有重要实践(理论)意义。江苏省的综合经济实力一直位于中国前列。从2006年到2016年我研究的十年中,不管是国内生产总值还是人均生总值均在全中国的省份中名列前茅,在连续的好几年中可以拍到前三的水准,可以说很有研究意义。另外的一个研究条件是本人居住在江苏省,所以研究江苏省的区域经济发展对我也有十分重要的作用。本 比文着重研究江苏省的区域经济发展。


1.2 研究目的及意义


