
 2023-02-15 02:02


摘 要





In recent years, China has made great breakthroughs in the process of modernization, but it is also facing many challenges, such as the general slowdown of economic growth and the urgent need for transformation of development mode. As president Xi Jinping has said, China"s economic development has entered the "new normal" stage. In this context, the modernization of science and technology is particularly important for the process of China"s overall modernization, and the independent innovation of enterprises is becoming an important engine for promoting the modernization of our society. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial incentive policy to support its independent innovation is higher than the tax preferential policy; the income tax related preferential policies supporting the independent innovation of the enterprise are the most widely used in practice; the evaluation of the support effect of the indirect tax preferential policy by the enterprise

It is greater than the direct preferential policy; the characteristics of the industry affect the effect of different financial and tax support policies; the enterprises" comparison of the benefits and costs of the enjoyment of the policy, the quality of the service of the government departments and the ability of the enterprise to apply the policy are the key factors that affect the willingness of the enterprise to apply for and enjoy the fiscal and tax support policy. The effectiveness of improving the financial and tax support policy of independent innovation of enterprises needs to further optimize the design of policy, create a relaxed and fair environment to support the innovation of enterprises, and enhance the ability of enterprises to use fiscal and tax policies. As the main body of innovation, whether enterprises can effectively develop independent innovation activities is particularly important. 2015 has milestone significance for China"s enterprise innovation and public entrepreneurship. In June 2015, the State Council issued relevant policy suggestions on promoting innovation, indicating the importance of independent innovation from the central separation layer. Nanjing is actively responding to the national policy of supporting enterprise innovation, and resolutely implementing the regulations of state support for enterprise innovation. It will enhance the independent innovation ability of enterprises as the most important part of government work, and try to narrow the gap between the independent innovation ability of the enterprises and the developed coastal provinces in this Province. However, as a whole, there are some lagging behind in Nanjing"s policies to support enterprise innovation, and the implementation is not enough. How to effectively improve and implement the independent innovation policy of Shaanxi enterprises is very important to improve the motivation and ability of independent innovation of enterprises. This paper compares and analyzes the current policy of supporting enterprise innovation at home and abroad, summarizes the status of independent innovation policy and the situation of enterprise innovation in Nanjing, and then studies the influence of independent innovation policy on enterprise innovation ability.

Key word:Independent innovation;Fiscal and tax policies;Support effect


目录 2

一 绪论 4

1.1 研究背景 4

1.2 研究的目的及意义 4

1.3 国内外研究综述 4

1.3.1国外研究综述 4

1.3.2国内研究综述 4

二 促进企业自主创新的税收政策的相关理论分析 4

2.1 企业自主创新的相关涵义 4

2.1.1创新 4

2.1.2企业自主创新 4

2.1.3财政激励政策 4

2.2 税收政策对企业自主创新的影响机理 4

2.2.1促进企业自主创新降低成本 4

2.2.2税收政策降低企业自主创新风险 4

2.2.3税收政策对企业自主创新人力资本配置的影响 4

2.2.4税收政策调控自主创新企业得资本运营 4

三 企业自主创新与政府财税政策激励 4

3.1企业自主创新的外部性需要政府财税激励 4

3.2企业自主创新的不确定性、高风险性需要政府的财税激励 4

四 我国现行促进企业自主创新税收政策存在的问题 4

4.1税收优惠政策体系不健全 4

4.2税收优惠的受益对象存在偏差 4

五 完善我国促进企业自主创新的税收政策建议 4

5.1提高促进企业自主创新的税收政策的法律层次 4

5.2明确主体税种与税收优惠之间的关系 4

5.3大力加强对企业自主创新过程的税收优惠力度 4

5.4积极完善以企业为主体、产学研相结合的创新政策体系 4

5.5相关配套措施 4

5.5.1进一步加强知识产权意识,健全知识产权保护体系 4

5.5.2健全有利于自主创新的税收征管制度 4

5.5.3完善企业自主创新的中介服务体系 4

5.5.4进一步完善支持企业自主创新的金融体系 4

5.5.5进一步完善支持企业自主创新金融环境体系 4

总结 4

参考文献 4

致谢 6

