
 2023-02-15 02:02


摘 要





On The Reform of Individual Income Tax in China


China"s first collection of individual income tax in 1980, with the rapid development of our country"s economy and resid in 2016 the first super trillions, become the fourth largest tax in our word. But with the rapid growth of the economy, "Matthew effect", the current personal income tax system obviously can not adapt to the development of the society, the formulation and implementation of the tax policy link there are varying degrees of loopholes.

This paper to understand the different viewpoints of scholars in our country personal income tax reform at home and abroad, reviewed the function and characteristics of individual income tax, on the basis of combining data for individual income tax in our country, analyzing the present situation and main problems of the use of comparative analysis, integrating theory and practice research methods, learn from the successful experience of different countries abroad individual income tax reform, combined with reasonable reference to the specific circumstances in our country, finally put forward specific Suggestions on our country personal income tax reform train of thought.

The conclusion of this paper is as follows: first: to reasonably reform the tax pattern of individual income tax, dividing country’s classified taxation projects.Then, effective design of tax elements, simplified tax rate, reasonable increase of the threshold, the optimization of the cost deduction standard design, the expansion of the scope of taxation.Third, efforts should be made to raise the level of tax collection and administration, implement the system of taxpayer identification number, personal credit system, two-way declaration system, and strengthen tax supervision.Under the three principles, the rational tax system, the elements of tax system and the advanced management methods should be combined to realize the goal of economic advancement and social progress.

Keywords: Personal Income Tax; Taxation System; Taxation Elements

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 个人所得税改革的文献综述 3

2.1我国个人所得税现状 3

2.1.1税制模式方面 3

2.1.2税制要素方面 3

2.1.3税收征管方面 3

2.2我国个人所得税改革效果 4

2.3国外个人所得税情况 4

第三章 我国个人所得税的特点与功能 5

3.1我国个人所得税的特点 5

3.1.1税制模式为分类所得税制 5

3.1.2比例税率与累进税率并用 5

3.1.3纳税对象以个人为主 5

3.1.4征税方式采取申报制和课源制 5

3.2个人所得税的功能 6

3.2.1增加财政收入 6

3.2.2调节收入分配 6

3.2.3培养纳税意识 6

第四章 我国个人所得税现状及存在问题 7

4.1税制模式弊端 7

4.1.1分类税制弊端 7

4.1.2归类纳税弊端 7

4.2税制要素不合理 8

4.2.1税率结构设计不合理 8

4.2.2起征点设置不合理 8

4.2.3费用扣除不合理 9

4.3税收征管落后 9

4.3.1征收方式落后 9

4.3.2偷税漏税严重 9

4.3.3纳税意识淡薄 10

第五章 国外个人所得税经验借鉴 11

5.1建立分类综合税制 11

5.2推行“税制指数化” 11

5.3规范扣除范围 11

5.4建立税号体制 12

第六章 我国个人所得税改革思路的建议 13

6.1税制模式改革 13

6.1.1建立分类与综合相结合的税制模式 13

6.1.2合理划分综合性和分类课税项目 14

6.2税制要素设计 14

6.2.1简化税率 14

6.2.2合理提升起征点 15

6.2.3优化费用扣除标准 17

6.2.4扩大征税范围 17

6.3提升税收征管水平 18

6.3.1推行纳税人识别号制度 18

6.3.2建立个人信用制度 18

6.3.3增强税收监管力度 18

结 论 19

致 谢 20

参考文献(References) 21

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


更让大家难以接受的是,许多高阶层收入人群的公积金、非显性福利、 “灰色收入”被排除于个税的征纳范围之外,根据财政部公布的权威数据,我国现在的个税总收入当中,工薪阶层或者说中低产阶层个税所占比远超半数,由此可见现阶段我国个人所得税的主要承担者仍是中低产阶层,他们整体税收负担偏重,缴纳税款偏多,不利于我国构建公平和谐的社会环境。所以说,我国的个人所得税急需进行一场声势浩大的改革。

1.2 研究目的及意义


