
 2021-04-19 10:04

摘 要







In the environment of economic globalization, financial integration and opened to foreign financial, the number of institutions and asset size of foreign banks in China is increasing. China's commercial banks have the advantages of outlets intensive distributions and original customer trust; foreign banks will not have much impact on the domestic commercial banks in the short term. However, with e-commerce technology developed and domestic customers understanding and acceptance of the foreign banks; foreign banks will be serious challenge for domestic commercial banks in the medium or long term. China's commercial banks should continue to conduct business innovation, pay attention to internal management and reduce operating costs, in order to remain invincible in the fierce competition.

Our state-owned commercial banks are currently mostly used in cost management is the traditional cost management model, there are many draw backs. Using activity-based costing , help to improve the bank's internal cost management capabilities , while also helping to conduct customer and product management and decision-making responsibilities in favor of the establishment of a new accounting system to provide a more rational basis for performance evaluation .However, due to the huge cost of its implementation and the reasons for the existence of an internal Chinese commercial banks , the cost management in our country has not been widely used.

This essay stars from describes the operations of ABC, so it forms a clear understanding of ABC theory. Then the thesis combines with the banking’ s background and management status, learns from foreign banks ABC of management experience, analyses the necessity and feasibility of ABC. Subsequently from the case analysis of ABC, this essay defines the specific implementation of ABC; finally it tries to find of a breakthrough in the implementation ABC in China's commercial banks, and the essay proposes certain practical significance of ABC management.

Key words:Activity-Based-Costing Commercial Bank

目 录

1 前 言 1

2 作业成本法的相关理论 2

2.1作业成本法的基本概念 2

2.1.1作业成本 2

2.1.2作业成本会计 2

2.2 作业成本法的核算原理 3

3 作业成本法在我国商业银行的应用分析 5

3.1我国商业银行成本管理及成本核算现状 5

3.2我国商业银行推行作业成本法的必要性和可行性分析 6

3.2.1 商业银行推行作业成本法的必要性分析 6

3.2.2 商业银行推行作业成本法的可行性分析 7

4 商业银行应用作业成本法的案例分析 10

4.1 A 商业银行的成本管理及成本核算现状  10

4.2作业成本的计算 12

4.3作业成本法与传统成本法核算结果的比较分析  15

5 作业成本法在我国商业银行应用的建议 17

5.1建立完善信息系统,充分利用作业成本信息 17

5.2获取高层管理人员的支持和提高员工综合素质 18

5.3局部试行、循序渐进 18

5.4结合自身情况,避免过分依赖外部力量 18

结 论 20

致 谢 21

参考文献 22

1 前 言


作业成本法作为一种先进的成本管理方法,其指导思想为“产品消耗作业,作业消耗资源”。作业成本法的优势不单单是提供精确的成本信息,而且能消除非增值作业,优化企业流程。现在,作业成本法在西方国家得到了十分广泛的应用,包括金融企业在内的非制造型企业的使用率已超过 60%,其作为银行的开源节流和控制成本的一大法宝。

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