
 2021-04-19 10:04

摘 要



关键词:林木资产; 会计信息; 披露

The research on accounting information disclosure of forest assets


Along with the increasing role of forestry in the more prominent in ecological environment construction, and with the acceleration of economic globalization and promote forestry at home and abroad, the number and scale of companies is expanding constantly. Forestry accounting information and the lack of low quality forest companies are increasingly unable to meet the information needs of stakeholders.

Until now, accounting in forest assets is still not perfect in our country, which makes company's financial condition and operating results have not been fully reflected. Forestry companies do not measured separately, making company's financial indicators of the sources inaccuracies, calculate financial indicators can not well reflect the reality of the situation of forest assets, and forestry company's financial condition and results of operations also cannot get comprehensively reflect. Also, forest asset classification has effect on management's understanding of forest assets and the real situation. Then, the decision may not be most suitable for the development of the company. Forestry companies should pay more attention to these problems and take timely measures to improve the quality. They should be shown in a separate column of the balance sheet. The changes of assets should be explained in time. At the same time, forestry companies should also improve the overall quality of accounting personnel. Relevant laws and regulations should be improved to ensure the accuracy of accounting information disclosure.

Key words: Forest assets; Accounting information; Disclosure

目 录

1 前言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的与意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 1

1.3.1 国外研究现状 1

1.3.2 国内研究现状 2

1.4 研究思路与研究方法 5

2 林木资产会计信息披露的理论基础 6

2.1 林木资产的内涵 6

2.2 会计信息披露的要求 6

2.2.1 国际会计准则对生物资产披露的要求 6

2.2.2 企业会计准则对生物资产披露的要求 7

2.3 两个准则的比较 7

3 林木资产会计信息披露的现状分析——以林业上市公司为例 9

3.1 ST景谷公司林木资产会计信息披露现状分析 9

3.1.1 公司基本概况 9

3.1.2 公司的财务指标分析 11

3.2 永安林业公司林木资产会计披露现状分析 14

3.2.1 公司基本概况 14

3.2.2 公司的财务指标分析 15

3.3 绿大地财务造假的案例分析 17

3.3.1 虚构资产 18

3.3.2 虚增收入 18

3.3.3 虚增利润 19

4 林木资产会计信息披露存在的问题分析 19

4.1 财务指标数据来源不准确 20

4.2 林木资产分类不明确 20

4.3 反映林木资产状况的财务指标较少 20

5 林木资产会计信息披露现存问题的原因分析 20

5.1 内部原因 21

5.1.1 利益驱使 21

5.1.2 林木资产自身的特殊性 21

5.1.3 专业技术缺乏 21

5.2 外部原因 21

5.2.1 法律法规不健全 21

5.2.2 监管力度不到位 22

5.2.3 惩处力度比较小 22

6 改善林木资产信息披露质量的建议 22

6.1 将林木资产作为一项资产单独列示 23

6.2 对林木资产的变动情况及时加以说明 23

6.3 提高财务人员综合素质 23

6.4 健全相关法律法规 23

6.5 加强证监会监管力度 23

结论与展望 24

致谢 26

参考文献: 27

1 前言






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