
 2021-04-08 07:04

摘 要



Analysis on cost control of logistics enterprises


In the 21st century,with the rapid development of economy and trade,the increasing demand for capital and goods and the continuous progress of science,technology and social culture make economic globalization and trade globalization an inevitable trend of world development.The rise and development of logistics industry is the product of economic globalization and trade globalization,and also the key to promote economic globalization and trade globalization.With the rise and development of logistics industry,logistics enterprises have sprung up like bamboo shoots.Under the impact of transnational logistics enterprises,competition among enterprises is becoming more and more fierce.In order to gain a firm foothold in the competition,the maximization of economic benefits of enterprises becomes the key.How to effectively reduce logistics costs is the key to maximize economic benefits.Compared with foreign logistics enterprises,China’s logistics enterprises started late and developed slightly backward.The high cost of logistics makes the whole logistics industry develop slowly.This paper will focus on the cost composition of logistics enterprises,including warehousing cost,inventory holding cost,transportation cost and information management cost,through improving the utilization rate of warehouse and advocating"zero inventory"mode,advocating green packaging and recycling,combining circulation processing with transportation and distribution,advocating green intermodal mode,strengthening loading and unloading mechanization,and establishing e-commerce logistics.The measures such as system transformation to intelligent operation mode can effectively reduce logistics costs,thereby improving the economic benefits of logistics enterprises and promoting the development of the whole logistics enterprises.

Key words:Logistics;Logistics cost;Maximization of economic benefits

目 录

1物流企业成本控制概述 6

1.1物流企业成本的概念 6

1.2物流企业成本的构成 6

2物流企业成本控制现状及存在的问题 8

2.1没有正确理解物流成本 8

2.2仍然使用传统的成本核算方式 8

2.3物流仓库管理方面欠缺 8

2.4存货持有期间成本过高 9

2.5运输网络不发达 11

2.6物流信息管理技术落后 12

3降低物流企业成本的对策分析 13

3.1正确理解物流成本并设置专门的物流成本核算科目 13

3.2制定完善的物流成本核算制度 13

3.3降低仓储成本 13

3.3.1完善仓库管理制度 14

3.3.2提高仓库利用率 14

3.3.3加强对仓库的信息化管理 14

3.3.4合理控制库存 15

3.4降低存货持有成本 15

3.4.1提高包装标准化与机械化水平 15

3.4.2提倡绿色包装与回收再利用 15

3.4.3流通加工与运输、配送相结合 16

3.4.4提高装卸机械化水平 16

3.5降低运输成本 17

3.5.1优化运输网络,提倡联运模式 17

3.5.2提高物流期间物品安全系数 17

3.5.3选择合理的运输工具与配送路线 18

3.5.4充分利用货车的装载量 18

3.5.5建立电子商务物流体系 18

3.6降低信息管理成本 18

3.6.1提高员工的素质 19

3.6.2注重人才的引进与培养 19

3.6.3加强物流企业与顾客之间的联系 19

3.6.4加强物流企业之间的联系 20

3.6.5改变传统型运营模式并向智慧型运营模式转变 20

结论 21

致谢 22

参考文献 23








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