
 2021-04-08 12:04

摘 要




关键词: 网络会计;网络化;发展策略;传统会计

Research on Accounting Development in the Internet Age


Contemporary China has entered the era of networking, information, and data in the era of great electronics. Various social activities are closely related to the Internet. The Internet is already an indispensable and important tool in human production and life. The Internet economy emerged. The Internet, as a medium for the operation of new economic models, has brought the various services closer to those who are being served.

As an applied discipline, accounting must be influenced by the changes in the economic model it depends on. Due to the rise of the network economy such as e-commerce and the development of networking, traditional accounting has experienced a full baptism, accounting methods have evolved from accounting, computerization, and informatization to networked development, and the focus of accounting has also shifted to management and analysis. It is also an inevitable trend of development.

This article studies the current development of accounting under the Internet economy driven by the rapid development of the Internet, and finds out the characteristics of its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the conflicts arising from the new type of online accounting in traditional accounting. While discussing these aspects, it also provides the development of network accounting. There is a problem-solving strategy, For example, the personnel training strategy under the new requirements, the security protection strategy of accounting information under the network environment, etc.

Keywords :network accounting; networking; development strategy;traditional accounting

目 录

1 互联网下网络会计对传统会计的影响 2

1.1对传统会计的四大假设造成的冲击 2

1.1.1对会计主体假设的冲击 2

1.1.2对持续经营假设的冲击 2

1.1.3对会计分期假设的冲击 3

1.1.4对货币计量假设的冲击 3

1.2对会计目标的影响 4

1.3对会计职能的影响 4

1.3.1对会计反映职能的影响 4

1.3.2对会计控制职能的影响 4

2 互联网下会计发展存在的优劣 5

2.1网络会计的优势 5

2.1.1网络会计处理信息更加高效迅捷 5

2.1.2网络会计具有更强的实效性 5

2.1.3网络会计降低了收集会计信息的成本 5

2.1.4网络会计提供的数据更加全面 6

2.1.5网络会计提供的会计信息更具针对性 6

2.1.6网络会计有利于会计信息展示和交换 6

2.2网络会计的劣势 7

2.2.1系统的网络安全性问题 7

2.2.2系统的软件硬件安全性问题 7

2.2.3网络会计提供的信息存在失真性 7

2.2.4相关从业人员专业素质参差不齐 8

2.2.5相关法律法规制度不健全 8

3 互联网下会计发展存在问题的解决方案 9

3.1加强网络安全系统的建设 9

3.2加强软件硬件的日常维护更新 9

3.3加强人工检查核对和内部控制 10

3.4多渠道加强人才培养 10

3.5完善相关法律法规 11

结 论 12

致 谢 13

参考文献 14


从互联网诞生以来,各个国家都致力于运用和发展网络。进入上世纪90年代,电子商务的出现和发展刺激了国际上的网络商务发展,而会计作为经济活动中必不可少的重要组成部分,其结合网络的变革发展也受到了人们的重视。在2000年,国际会计准则委员会(IASC)委托英国伯明翰大学的ANDREW LYMER等四人小组完成了一个关于财务报告的研究,报告中说,在调查欧洲、亚太地区和南美洲的22个国家中的660个公司后,确定实现上网的企业超过80%,接近三分之二的企业在互联网上公布他们的财务报告。在中国,由于网络的起步和发展相对落后,网络经济正处在大力发展的阶段,而网络会计更是在刚刚起步的初始阶段。在1993年3月,中国第一家网络银行设立,此后,陆续有多家金融机构加入,现如今,大多数银行都实现了网上支付功能。在2000年,中国证监会才对上市公司做出规定,要求他们必须将财务报表公布在互联网上。以上种种,正促进着网络会计的进一步发展。

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