
 2021-04-19 10:04

摘 要





Development of Enterprise Annuity Investment and

Research Orientation of Investment Management


In recent years, China has gradually into the aging society, resulting increase in pension costs. Occupational pension is the second pillar in the pension system of three pillars. The enterprise annuities will play an important role in China’s economic and social development.. Investment income of pension annuity can act as a ‘source’ role: considerable investment income can not only improve their active participation in the enterprise annuity, increasing the access to investment scale effects. Meanwhile, the high investment income annuity, annuity participants can also make higher pension payment to ease the financial difficulties of the problem caused by the basic old-age insurance. In order to improve the yield of corporate annuity investment, through the status quo of China’s investment in empirical analysis to identify the causes of their problems, combined with the corresponding foreign advanced enterprise annuity investment experience, combined with our enterprise annuity system proposed countermeasures. Therefore, studying the problems of enterprise annuity investment management in our country has the very strong practical significance.

The paper begins from the present situation of China’s occupational pension investment, and utilizes the main investment tool in China’s capital market, and in detail discusses the investment portfolio strategy and the present investment portfolio model of China’s occupational pension, On the basis of relevant theories of the enterprise annuity investment management, the paper analysis the current situation and problems of China’s investment management enterprise annuity. Finally, the paper learn from the experience of foreign investment enterprise annuity management model and proposed optimization strategy of enterprise annuity investment management.

The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: the causes of enterprise annuity investment management for enterprise annuity regulatory restrictions on investment ratio is too stringent, capital market imperfections and corporate pension tax incentives are not in place. Annuity investment can be improved by optimizing the yield of the investment portfolio and broaden investment channels, the implementation of tax incentives and regulatory measures to improve corporate pension and so on.

Key words:Enterprise Annuities; Status quo; Investment Management; Risk Analysis; Suggestions

目 录

1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1 研究背景和意义 - 1 -

1.2国内外文献综述 - 1 -

1.2.1国内文献综述 - 1 -

1.2.2国外文献综述 - 2 -

1.3研究内容和方法 - 2 -

1.3.1研究内容 - 2 -

1.3.2研究方法 - 3 -

2 企业年金投资管理的理论概述 - 4 -

2.1企业年金概述 - 4 -

2.1.1 企业年金定义 - 4 -

2.1.2企业年金分类 - 4 -

2.2企业年金投资原则与管理模式 - 5 -

2.2.1企业年金投资原则 - 5 -

2.2.2企业年金投资管理模式 - 5 -

2.3小结 - 6 -

3 我国企业年金投资发展及风险分析 - 7 -

3.1我国企业年金发展历程 - 7 -

3.2我国企业年金投资管理制度 - 7 -

3.2.1中国企业年金制度实行个人账户、DC型完全积累制 - 7 -

3.2.2信托制的企业年金投资管理模式 - 8 -

3.3对我国企业年金发展现状的评价 - 8 -

3.4企业年金投资工具风险分析 - 9 -

3.4.1货币类工具风险分析 - 9 -

3.4.2固定收益类投资工具风险分析 - 12 -

3.4.3权益类投资工具风险分析 - 13 -

3.5小结 - 16 -

4 企业年金投资管理成功案例及启示 - 17 -

4.1挪威全球养老基金投资管理的简介与启示 - 17 -

4.1.1挪威全球养老基金简介 - 17 -

4.1.2挪威全球养老基金对我国的启示 - 17 -

4.2我国香港地区强积金计划投资管理的简介与启示 - 18 -

4.2.1强积金计划简介 - 18 -

4.2.2香港强积金计划对我国的启示 - 19 -

4.3小结 - 19 -

5 我国企业年金投资管理的优化方向 - 20 -

5.1投资产品组合的优化 - 20 -

5.2投资渠道的拓宽 - 20 -

5.2.1货币市场 - 20 -

5.2.2资本市场 - 21 -

5.2.3不动产经营 - 22 -

5.3税收优惠政策的实行 - 23 -

5.4企业年金投资监管措施的完善 - 23 -

5.4.1对低风险产品投资比例解除限制 - 23 -

5.4.2对企业年金权益类、衍生类投资工具比例放宽限制 - 23 -

5.4.3对企业年金具体投资比例弱化限制,增强投资组合效应 - 24 -

5.5小结 - 24 -

结 论 - 25 -

致 谢 - 26 -

参考文献 - 27 -

1 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义






针对我国企业在年金投资管理上出现的问题,顾天安(2014)和黄焕辉(2014)认为企业年金计划覆盖面窄、覆盖率低是导致目前发展形势不太乐观的首要原因,顾天安(2014)认为要从覆盖的面积上看,2013年全国所有参加了企业年金计划的员工是那时候全国所有参加了城镇养老保险总人数的6.38%。而在全球范围内,有68%以上的国家企业年金制度将1/3 以上的劳动人口覆盖了。然而在美国和英国等发达国家就占了50%的样子,在法国、瑞士这样的国家就基本上全劳动人口覆盖。从我国的情况看,整个国家的企业年金制度计划覆盖面是相当小的,根本就无法实现“第二支柱”的保障作用。黄焕辉(2014)同样认为企业年金各地区发展不平衡。我国沿海发达省份的企业年金处在较高水平,在内陆落后省份处在偏低水平。目前,许多落后的地区并没有设立企业年金。马晓佳(2010)认为限制企业年金运作规模的主要原因是投资工具缺乏。

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