
 2021-04-14 01:04

摘 要



Financial statements analysis of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai


The household appliance industry is one of the earliest developed businesses opened to outside world and the most competitive one in our country. After the development of more than 30 years, there’re many well-known companies emerging. However, with the rapid development of the economy, the competition between companies is becoming increasingly fierce. As a result, the correct strategy is a necessity to a company. The competitive strategy of an company is largely decided by its financial data. Normally, the important financial data of the listed company is exposed to the public by the financial reports. The common methods of analyzing the reports are structure method, trend method and ratio method. According to the data from the balance sheet, the income statement and the cash flow of the Gree Electric Appliance, Inc. of Zhuhai from year 2011 to 2014, this paper mainly applied the ratio method to expose the revealed financial statement and operating performance of the company. Meanwhile, these important financial ratios are compared by another competitive company’s figures during the same period to point out the strength and weakness of the company. By using the financial analysis and strategy analysis stated above, it will be clearer to judge if the operating goal of the company is reasonable enough. Furthermore, some suggestions put forward to the problems appeared in the operation of the company will help the management board and investor make better decisions.

Key words:Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai;Financial statement analysis;Financial indicators;Competitive strategy

目 录

1 绪 论 - 1 -

1.1研究背景和意义 - 1 -

1.2格力公司战略简介 - 2 -

1.2.1格力公司简介 - 2 -

1.2.2格力公司的SWOT分析 - 2 -

1.2.3格力公司的战略选择 - 4 -

2 格力公司主要财务指标分析 - 5 -

2.1短期偿债能力指标 - 5 -

2.1.1流动比率 - 5 -

2.1.2速动比率 - 6 -

2.1.3现金比率 - 6 -

2.2长期偿债能力指标 - 7 -

2.2.1资产负债比率 - 7 -

2.2.2产权比率 - 8 -

2.3资产管理能力指标 - 9 -

2.3.1总资产周转率 - 9 -

2.3.2存货周转率 - 10 -

2.3.3应收账款周转率 - 10 -

2.4盈利能力指标 - 11 -

2.4.1营业利润率 - 11 -

2.4.2总资产净利率 - 11 -

2.4.3销售净利率 - 12 -

2.5成长能力指标 - 13 -

2.5.1每股收益 - 13 -

2.5.2每股净资产 - 13 -

2.5.3净资产收益率 - 14 -

2.5.4总资产增长率 - 15 -

2.5.5净利润增长率 - 15 -

2.6现金流量指标 - 16 -

2.6.1现金流入结构分析 - 16 -

2.6.2现金流出结构分析 - 17 -

2.6.3现金流量与总资产的比率 - 18 -

2.6.4现金流量与流动负债的比率 - 18 -

2.6.5每股经营现金净流量 - 19 -

2.6.6净利润现金含量 - 19 -

3 格力公司财务指标分析结果与建议 - 21 -

3.1格力公司财务指标分析结果 - 21 -

3.2分析结果——与美的公司对比 - 21 -

3.2.1美的公司简介 - 21 -

3.2.2美的公司主要财务指标 - 22 -

3.2.3比较结果 - 23 -

3.3改善格力公司管理的建议 - 24 -

3.3.1改善格力公司战略的建议 - 24 -

3.3.2改善格力公司经营管理的建议 - 25 -

结 论 - 26 -

致 谢 - 27 -

参考文献 - 28 -

1 绪 论


家电行业是我国改革开放以来发展的最早的行业,历经了三十余年的发展,已经成为了市场化竞争最充分、产业链最完整、竞争优势最明显的产业之一,极大地改变了早期国内家电市场基本由国外品牌一统天下的局面。随着世界经济飞速发展的步伐,企业间的竞争也在不断加剧,在家电行业发展的这个激烈的优胜劣汰的过程中,我国也涌现出了一批具有较高知名度,拥有较高的营销水平并且能够主导市场的家用电器品牌,如格力、海尔、美的等等。同时,我国的家电行业又面临着巨大的挑战,如产品积压、利润低迷、劳动力成本上升、尖端技术缺失,以及在“互联网 ”时代下网络营销技术的探索等。


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