
 2021-04-14 12:04

摘 要




Research of the Second Engineering Co., Ltd of CTCE Group Accounts Receivable Risk Control

——A Case of Ningbo Project Department


With the development of market economy and the rapid advance of state-owned enterprises reform in China, central enterprises start to participate in market competition like other enterprises, becoming one of the strong body in market competition. State-owned enterprises would not only improve the quality of project, lower the project price and improve the quality of service, but also sell on credit to sell projects and service and do bidding to expand projects and the business of selling to improve economic performance. The account receivable is produced. It is a difficult problem urgent to be solved in work of state-owned enterprises to control and reduce the risk of accounts receivable.

The author selects the Second Engineering Co., Ltd as the research object and takes Ningbo project department as an example, comprehensively expounds that how the accounts receivable risk control is implied into real work. Then simply analyses the existing problems in accounts receivable risk control in state-owned enterprises, the reasons and the solutions. As a wholly owned subsidiary of CTCE group, THE SECOND ENGINGGRING CO., LTD is a large construction enterprise with comprehensive construction capacity in state-owned enterprises, which has a large number of project departments. The management is hierarchical. As the example of CTCE group, firstly, I analyzed the general situation of Ningbo project department, such as the operating conditions and the prospect of development. Then I analyzed the current situation of the control of accounts receivable risk in the project department and the existing risk of receivables. I pointed out the existing problems and the reasons from the three results of the analysis. At last, I constructed the targeted accounts receivable risk control system. Therefore, the current problem of the Second Engineering Co., Ltd has been solved reasonably and concretely.

Key words: State-owned enterprises; Account receivable; Risk control; Ningbo department

目 录

1 前言 1

2 应收账款风险控制的基本理论 3

2.1应收账款的定义 3

2.2企业信用政策 3

3 宁波北环项目部应收账款风险的现状分析 5

3.1中铁四局二公司宁波北环项目部基本概况 5

3.1.1中铁四局二公司发展历程及经营状况 5

3.1.2宁波北环项目部发展状况 6

3.2宁波北环项目部应收账款风险控制现状 8

3.2.1项目部原赊销流程 8

3.2.2项目部原催账政策 8

3.3宁波北环项目部应收账款风险分析 9

3.3.1项目部应收账款增长速度分析 9

3.3.2应收账款与营业收入对比分析 10

3.3.3应收账款占流动资金的比重 12

3.3.4应收账款账龄与坏账计提情况 12

4 宁波项目部应收账款现存问题及产生原因 14

4.1现存问题 14

4.2成因分析 14

4.2.1控制环节较薄弱,控制制度不健全 15

4.2.2信用风险管理不完善,导致应收账款管理不到位 15

5 应收账款风险控制体系的构建 17

5.1事前控制 17

5.2事中控制 17

5.3事后控制 18

5.3.1进行应收账款的动态分析,建立人员业绩考核制度 18

5.3.2完善企业催收制度 18

结 论 20

致 谢 22

参考文献 23

1 前言



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