
 2021-04-10 01:04

摘 要




The dilemma and the way out of the house property tax in our country


In recent years, filled with all sorts of problems in the process of our housing, no development order, speculation in severe cases, prices are up sharply, these problems are increasingly prominent, reflects the deficiency of real estate regulation policy, the urgent task is to adjust the tax revenue system, play a regulatory role in the field of real estate. The current property tax policy in our country is difficult to adapt to the commercialization of real estate and market economy in the market economy, and it needs to be perfected to match the national conditions. It is already clearly lagging behind the real estate process, deviating from the right direction, and is less relevant to international trends. The urgency of the reform of the property-tax rail system has led to a strong presence among the authorities and academics.

Under the background of this paper is mainly on the current predicament and way out an analysis of the property tax is imposed. First introduces the research background and significance of this topic, and the research content and method, and then points out the pros and cons of the property tax reform, then to Shanghai and Chongqing reform as an example, analyze the present situation of reform and enlightenment. Then started analysis in our country, the difficulties encountered in personal housing property tax is imposed, the first is related to the supporting system is not perfect, the second is the uneven taxes to the tax, finally, the real estate valuation fraud problems, Then analyze the causes of trouble. Finally introduced in personal housing property tax is imposed difficulties how to seek a way out, in view of the problem put forward the improvement method.

Keywords: real estate, dilemma, outlet

目 录

摘 要 I


1 前言 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2研究内容 1

1.3研究方法 2

2 房产税改革的利弊 3

2.1房产税改革的有利之处 3

2.1.1抑制房地产市场的投资过热和投机行为 3

2.1.2调节收入分配、缩小贫富差距 3

2.1.3增加地方财政收入 3

2.2房产税改革的弊端 4

2.2.1引起通货膨胀,阻碍社会发展 4

2.2.2抑制消费,妨碍扩大内需 4

3 国内房产税试点实施概况及其启示 5

3.1上海和重庆试点施行情况 5

3.2上海和重庆试点效果评价 6

3.2.1增加地方财政收入 6

3.2.2引导了商品房理性需求 7

3.2.3抑制了商品房房价涨势 7

3.3上海和重庆改革的启示 7

3.3.1地方当局要预先为房产税实施做出回应方案 7

3.3.2政府必须做好配套风险管理措施 8

3.3.3积极推进地方财税制度改革 8

4 我国个人住房开征房产税的困境 9

4.1相关配套制度不完善 9

4.2各税收环节赋税不均 9

4.3房产价值评估弄虚作假 10

4.4一定程度上使得地价下跌 10

4.5各困境产生的原因 11

5 我国个人住房开征房产税的出路 13

5.1进一步完善配套制度 13

5.2加重保有环节税种比例 13

5.3建立健全房地产价值评估体系 13

5.4培养纳税人的自觉性和提高素质 14

结 论 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

1 前言




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