
 2021-04-08 08:04

摘 要



Study on The Property Tax System In China


With the spring breeze of reform, the market economy is increasingly active, the development of real estate market has vigorously promoted the development of related industries, stimulating the rapid development of China's economy, but the derived problem is also worrying. The real estate investment proportion, serious pressure on the development of other industries, so that social resources are not reasonable allocation industry, between balanced and harmonious development. To sustained high prices, a large number of real profit behavior has let the real estate supply and demand imbalance. When its development can not be effectively regulated, government intervention, government macro-control functions to stabilize housing prices, so that China's real estate steady development. This paper firstly explains the related theories of real estate tax. Are summarized and the development of China's real estate tax system and the existing problems. And then to Shanghai, the real estate tax reform in Chongqing were analyzed according to different measures of It reveals the problems existing in the process of reform, and finally, according to the experience of tax system design in three developed countries, puts forward some countermeasures to improve the property tax system of our country.

Key words: Property Tax; Property Tax Legal System; Reform.


1 前言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 1

1.3.1 国外研究现状 1

1.3.2 国内研究现状 2

1.4 研究内容 3

2 房产税的相关理论 4

2.1房产税的概念 4

2.2房产税的功能 4

3 我国房产税制度发展历程及存在问题 6

3.1房产税的发展历程 6

3.2 我国房产税的问题 6

3.2.1 制度不完善不能服务经济治理且对房价作用弱 7

3.2.2 立法滞后,不能及时调控经济 7

3.2.3 各方阻碍:既得利益者和地方政府 8

4 上海重庆两地改革分析 9

4.1改革背景及内容 9

4.2比较两地改革不同制度差别 10

4.3成效和存在的问题 10

5 国外经验与启示 11

5.1 国外经验 12

5.1.1美国 12

5.1.2 英国 13

5.1.3 日本 13

5.2启示 14

6 房产税制度的改革建议 15

6.1总体定位 15

6.1.1健全我国的房产税税制体系 15

6.1.2增强房产税稳定财政收入的功能 15

6.1.3分地区,分阶段进行房产税改革 15

6.2房产税税制优化设计 16

6.2.1纳税人 16

6.2.2税率 16

6.3完善房产税改革相关配套环节 17

6.3.1健全房地产产权登记制度 17

6.3.2建立房地产评估体系 18

6.3.3增强税务部门服务职能 19

6.3.4完善房产税改革的法制环境 19

结 论 20

致 谢 21

参考文献 22

1 前言

1.1 研究背景


1.2 研究目的及意义


1.3 国内外研究现状

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