
 2021-04-08 08:04

摘 要






Analysis of the influence of network information on internal control mechanism of small and medium sized enterprises


With the development of the Internet, the network is also integrated into people's daily life. Therefore, it has become an inevitable trend that enterprises change from traditional mode to information mode. However, many small and medium-sized enterprises are limited by their size and personnel shortage, and there is no corresponding professional guidance, leading to the development of enterprises lag behind. And the emergence of the Internet broke this situation, the enterprise information technology can bring better development to the enterprise.

Through the study of the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet for the development of enterprises, and find more suitable for the development of SMEs planning. Analysis of hindering the development of small and medium-sized enterprises get stuck, provide better advice, so to reduce the production cost of business, increase the work efficiency of enterprise employees. The introduction of the Internet into the management of the enterprise in a correct way can increase the efficiency of internal control and reduce the cost of the enterprise, thus enabling the enterprise to have more funds and support various developments.

For SME, the biggest obstacle to the development of enterprises is talent and funds, and many enterprises due to lack of funds, can not hire professional talent. The emergence of the Internet has greatly alleviated the plight of enterprises in the network of information technology, reducing the demand for talent, only a small number of professionals can allow enterprises to develop well. At the same time, network information also makes the enterprise reduce the cost and obtain more development funds.

For the current network information of small and medium-sized enterprises, we should not blindly copy other people's reference, we need to combine their actual situation, and make the most correct and the most effective solution. Improve the internal control system and environment, and make appropriate risk aversion measures, and constantly try and explore more in line with the development path of enterprises.

Key words:Network information;Small and medium-sized enterprises;internal controls

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究进展 1

1.2.1 国外文献综述 1

1.2.2 国内文献综述 1

1.2.3 述评 2

1.3 研究目的与意义 2

1.3.1 研究目的 2

1.3.2 研究意义 2

1.4 研究思路和方法 3

1.4.1 研究思路 3

1.4.2 研究方法 3

1.5 论文的基本结构 3

第二章 术语界定与理论概述 5

2.1 术语界定 5

2.1.1 网络信息化 5

2.1.2 中小企业 5

2.1.3 内部控制 5

2.2 网络信息化内部控制的相关理论 5

2.2.1 内部控制体系架构 5

2.2.2 网络信息化内部控制理论 6

第三章 中小企业内控制度现状与困境分析 7

3.1 中小企业内部控制建设现状 7

3.1.1 中小企业内部控制的环境和机制 7

3.1.2 中小企业内部控制的机构 7

3.2 中小企业建立健全内控制度的必要性 8

3.2.1 有效的内部控制制度是保证经济平稳运行的必要手段 8

3.2.2 建立健全内控制度是中小企业持续发展的必然选择 8

3.3 中小企业内部控制的问题及成因分析 8

3.3.1 中小企业规模特征的限制 8

3.3.2 组织机构不健全 8

3.3.3 内控制度不完善 9

3.3.4 缺乏有效的监督机制 9

3.4 中小企业内部控制的困难与障碍 9

3.4.1 中小企业的内部控制制度与环境不完善 9

3.4.2 中小企业风险意识差 9

3.4.3 中小企业内控监督不够到位 10

3.4.4 企业管理层对内控缺乏正确的认识 10

3.4.5 实施内控的成本过高 10

3.4.6 目标管理缺乏规范性 11

第四章互联网的应用及信息化对内控机制的积极影响 12

4.1 互联网在生活中的广泛应用 12

4.1.1 信息化教育 12

4.1.2 网络科技与个人 12

4.1.3 经济信息化 12

4.1.4 网络技术与传媒技术 12

4.2 网络信息化给中小企业带来的机遇 12

4.2.1网络信息化扩大了中小企业的发展空间 12

4.2.2网络信息化降低了中小企业的经营成本 13

4.2.3网络信息化提高了中小企业的工作效率 13

4.3 企业的网站为中小企业的发展创造了机会 13

4.3.1 扩大产品的推广与宣传 13

4.3.2 提升企业形象 13

4.3.3 快速沟通 13

4.4 网络营销为企业快速的发展提供了机会 14

4.4.1 建立全球信息网和贸易网 14

4.4.2 利用商业网站开展广告传播 14

4.4.3 建立新的竞争优势 14

第五章 网络信息化对中小企业内控机制的消极影响 15

5.1 中小企业缺乏人才 15

5.2 中小企业资源整合能力弱 15

5.3 互联网安全问题 15

5.4 中小企业经营管理变革困难 15

5.5这些消极影响所带来的后果 16

5.5.1中小企业对于人才的依赖性 16

5.5.2中小企业资源利用紊乱 16

5.5.3网络问题带给企业的危机 16

5.5.4经营模式的转变使企业的管理混乱 16

第六章 基于网络信息化的中小企业内控制度完善的建议 18

6.1 基于网络信息化的中小企业内控机制的选择 18

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