
 2021-04-19 10:04

摘 要

上海市和重庆市于2011年1月28日分别执行了改革后的房产税制度,至今已有四年了,最初我国是想利用房产税来合理调节收入分配,达到为地方政府筹集市政建设资金, 控制固定资产投资规模,提高房屋的使用效益以及促进社会公平的作用。但在这段开征路程中,房产税制度的不足与房产税开征的艰难明显的体现了出来。本论文首先将从沪渝试点房产税的效应(对地方税收收入影响、对国内市的影响、对居民生活的影响)来分析我国房产税现行的弊端 ,再通过与有丰富经验的美国房产税制度进行比较,得出两个国家不同点,从中分析出阻碍我国现行房产税有效实施的根本原因,最后借鉴美国的经验得出改进意见,来提高我国的房产税制度,完善我国的征收管理体制,推动税收的公共化。


Analysis on feasibility of housing property tax


In recent years, housing property tax, as one of the tools for the nation to reasonably adjust income distribution, for government to fund the municipal construction, control fixed assets investment scale, improve the use efficiency of housing and promote social fairness, has gradually attracted more attention from various sectors. In January 28th, 2011, the reformed system of housing property tax was executed in Shanghai and Chongqing, which marking the pilot reform of housing property tax in China has started. However, there are some obstacles in the reform of housing property tax in China on the basis of Shanghai and Chongqing, and it also reflects the deficiencies of housing property tax system in China and the difficulty of levying housing property tax. This paper analyzes the feasibility of the current housing property tax in China according to the effects of pilot hosing property tax in Shanghai and Chongqing (influence on local tax revenue, influence on domestic real state market, influence on residents life), and then explores the reasons for hindering the feasibility of the conduction of the current housing property tax in China by comparing domestic and foreign housing property tax systems, putting forward improvement suggestions to enhance the feasibility of housing property tax in China by learning from the experience of American housing property tax, so as to perfect taxing management system and push the publicity of taxation forward.

Key words: housing property tax, effect analysis, comparison analysis

目 录

1 前言 - 1 -

2 基本概况 - 2 -

2.1 房产税的概述 - 2 -

2.2 房产税开征的目的 - 2 -

2.3 沪渝试点情况介绍 - 2 -

3 我国现行沪渝试点中房产税所存在的缺陷 - 4 -

3.1 对国内楼市房价影响微乎极微 - 4 -

3.2 不能缓解居民的经济压力 - 6 -

3.3 房产税对我国财政收入影响甚微 - 7 -

4 美国房产税的经验借鉴 - 8 -

4.1美国房产税情况介绍 - 8 -

4.2 通过两国对比进行利弊分析 - 8 -

4.2.1 国情不同,美国房产税制度更为完善 - 8 -

4.2.2 计税依据不同,美国房产评估体系更加全面与科学 - 9 -

4.2.3 税率不同,美国的税收制定更具合理性 - 9 -

4.2.4 减免标准不同,美国的优惠政策更人性化 - 10 -

4.2.5 美国房产税合理用税,合情收税 - 11 -

5 提出建议完善沪渝房产税 - 12 -

5.1 扩大征税范围 - 12 -

5.2 确定合理的计税依据 - 12 -

5.3 把税率控制在承受的范围内 - 13 -

5.4 建立可靠的征收管理机制 - 13 -

5.5 细化不动产登记条例,提高该制度实施的可能性 - 13 -

结 论 - 15 -

致 谢 - 16 -

参考文献: - 17 -

1 前言



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