
 2021-04-19 10:04

摘 要



The Issue Research of TAX Reform Based on Logistics

—Taking HOAU Enterprise as an Example


The reform of VAT has exited in China for many years.In 1994,we finished the reform of the type of production VAT.In 2009,we finished the reform of the type of consumer VAT.They both enhanced our VAT system in the very great degree.But if we want VAT to be more completed,we have to expand the scope of VAT deduction to cover every link,including production,circulation, consumption and so on,thus way can we give fully play to the advantage of VAT.The production of the service industry only ten industries as included in the revitalization of the adjustment, the logistics industry plays a positive role in promoting the adjustment of industrial structure and the development of the national economy. In order to develop China's modern logistics industry, China put forward "to replace business tax with VAT policy in 2011 August,Shanghai in January 1,2012,the first trial of transportation tax work, and in 2013 August at the national transportation industry full implementation.Until now, the tax reform work has been carried out for more than two years, but its impact on the logistics industry is not optimistic, most enterprises face in the short term tax increases, especially in the transport of the main business of the logistics enterprise tax increase greatly.On the background, this paper is mainly based on the national 5A class logistics enterprises HOAU logistics company as a case,using the literature research method,case analysis method, comparative analysis method, through the calculation of tax changes before and after the business tax reform, analysis of the impact of tax reform on the logistics company profits, and for the enterprise after the tax reform problems the reasons are summed up, puts forward some corresponding countermeasures, the throes of change to help enterprise smooth degree of tax, improve the competitiveness of enterprises, realize the steady development of enterprises.

Key words:Logistics enterprises;Business tax;Value—added tax(VAT);Tax reform

目 录

1 前 言 - 1 -

1.1 选题背景及意义 - 1 -

1.2 论文内容及方法 - 1 -

2 “营改增”概述 - 3 -

2.1 物流行业“营改增”相关内容及意义 - 3 -

2.1.1物流行业“营改增”相关内容 - 3 -

2.1.2“营改增”对物流行业的意义 - 5 -

2.2“营改增”对物流行业的影响 - 5 -

3 天地华宇物流“营改增”案例研究 - 7 -

3.1 天地华宇物流简介 - 7 -

3.1.1企业概况 - 7 -

3.1.2主营业务 - 7 -

3.2案例分析 - 7 -

3.2.1相关财务数据 - 7 -

3.2.2税负及利润变化测算 - 8 -

3.2.3“营改增”影响的评价与分析 - 10 -

4 天地华宇物流“营改增”存在问题及原因分析 - 12 -

4.1 天地华宇物流“营改增”存在的问题 - 12 -

4.2天地华宇物流“营改增”存在问题的原因分析 - 13 -

5 物流行业“营改增”问题的相关完善建议 - 15 -

5.1物流行业财税政策的完善建议 - 15 -

5.2物流企业的应对措施 - 16 -

结 论 - 18 -

致 谢 - 19 -

参考文献 - 20 -

1 前 言

1.1 选题背景及意义

自2013 年8 月1 日起,在全国范围内展开交通运输业和部分现代服务业增值税替代营业税(以下简称“营改增”)的税收改革工作[1]。“营改增”进行过程中,企业的税负问题一直是各方最关注的问题。据资料显示,全国“营改增”前9个月减税达836亿元。但是对于部分行业和企业出现的税负加重现象,不符合“营改增”政策的宗旨,使“营改增”的减税能力受到一些质疑。自其施行以来,根据专家的测算,“营改增”对小规模纳税人税负整体降幅最大,一般纳税人税负基本持平或有所下降,但是交通运输业一般纳税人税负整体增幅最大[2]。截止到目前,税改工作已进行了两年多,随着其波及范围的逐步扩大,对于基础性服务行业的物流行业来说,税改结果冷暖不均。物流企业“营改增”后主要是适用11%的交通运输服务增值税率和6%的物流辅助业务增值税率。短期内多数企业都面临税负上升的问题,特别是以运输为主的综合型物流企业税负上升幅度较大。针对现代物流业的发展现状以及相关税收制度的复杂性和问题,物流企业如何在后续的“营改增”扩围中合理纳税,如何进行纳税筹划以实现企业税后利润最大化目标,以及相关税收政策如何针对现有问题进行改变,都是目前需要着手解决的问题。

1.2 论文内容及方法

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