
 2021-04-14 12:04

摘 要



The Impact Analysis of the Camp Changed to the Small and Medium Sized Construction Enterprises


The construction industry into the "Camp to increase" pilot program in 2016. So knowing usiness tax change character the VAT caused by any kind of problem for the construction industry, what kind of impact is necessary. Firstly, with a description of the construction of small and medium enterprises as well as the basic concepts of "Camp to increase", the main building of small and medium enterprises to clarify the concept and classification, analysis of the evolution of small and medium construction enterprises and tax policy, "Camp to increase" overall case, on the basis of the camp changed to increase Effect on the analysis of the "Camp to increase" on the construction of small and medium enterprises. Mainly expounds the necessity of building small and medium enterprises camp changed to increase, and pave the way for the subsequent planning. Then, based on Taihu County, Anhui Province, Taiping construction and installation engineering company investigation, the company in 2015 by the relevant financial data to calculate the "Camp to increase" before and after the tax change, the analysis led to the camp changed to increase the company's tax burden increased the reason. Finally, the analysis of small and medium construction enterprises increased tax burden on the basis of the causes put forward relevant proposals, and summarize the article.

Key words:camp changed to increase ,The construction industry, tax, The enterprise management

目 录


1.1 研究背景………………………………………………………………………………………….......1

1.2 研究意义……………………………………………………………………………………………...2

2 中小型建筑企业“营改增”概述……………………………………………………………………….….3



3 营改增对中小建筑企业的影响…………………………………………………………………………..5

3.1 短期内建筑企业税负增加可能性较大……………………………………………………………...5

3.2 对建筑企业营业利润的影响………………………………………………………………………...5

3.3 营改增对企业管理提出新要求……………………………………………………………………...6

3.4 促进安全生产………………………………………………………………………………………...6

4 “营改增”后中小建筑企业涉税情况分析——以安徽省太湖县太平建筑安装工程公司为例……..7



5 建筑企业应对营改增的方法……………………………………………………………………………11

5.1 加强财务管理……………………………………………………………………………………….11

5.2 做好税收规划……………………………………………………………………………………….12

5.3 强化企业自身管理………………………………………………………………………………….13

结论 ……………………………………………………………………………………………14



1前 言


“营改增”顾名思义指的就是营业税改征增值税。“营改增”是在1954年被法国第一次提出来使用的,因为“营改增”能有效解决传统营业税重复征税的问题,所以各个国家都向英国效仿,都在慢慢开始实施“营改增”。当前全世界有170多个国家和地区的服务业都把营业税改成了增值税。1994,增值税和营业税已成为我国最重要的税种之一,对于我国的商品和服务的流通,商品产业主要是受增值税影响而调节,服务业主要受营业税影响而调节。两者相比较而言,双重征税对企业所得税的负面影响明显,阻碍了劳动力的分工。从一定意义上讲,营业税长时间的施行减速了我国第三产业的成长步调。[1] 从总的方面来说,“营改增”有三个以及更多的好处:首先,第三个行业可以在税收抵扣的投入,这将是发展最有力的措施,以促进第三产业升级。第二,商品和服务税的整体下降,消费者将受益。最后,对于国民经济的发展,可以有效地得到提升。数据显示,如果营改增的国家,预计每年实现结构性减税1000亿元,带动国内生产总值增升0. 5% 左右,第三产业增长值占比提升了0.3%,而生产性服务业增长值占比提升了0. 2%,高耗能行业占4%的比例减少了 [2]


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