
 2021-04-14 12:04

摘 要




Chinese Real Estate Enterprise's Financial Risk and its Prevention


In cash in Chinese economic development rapidly, the living standards of the people have a qualitative leap, consumers in the residential demand and requirements will continue to improve, the real estate industry also slowly become the pillar industry of today's China market, have a great impact on the economic life of modern society. Now the economy also is changing gradually, in the financial policy of continuous change, tightening macroeconomic regulation and control, the competition of China's real estate industry also increasingly fierce.

This article through to the real estate industry financial risk overview, and summed up the concept and characteristics of the real estate industry as well as the definition and characteristics of financial risk, and thus leads to the real estate industry risk control status. Vanke Real Estate in China's real estate industry influence and visibility is very high, therefore the selection of Vanke Real Estate as an example, through analysis of the financial situation, summed up the Vanke Real estate financial problems. By the case leads to the trend of the real estate industry, the financial risk measures.

Key words:Real estate companies;Financial risk;Risk prevention;


1 房地产企业财务风险概述 - 1 -

1.1 房地产企业概述 - 1 -

1.2 房地产企业的特征 - 1 -

1.2.1 区域影响力较大 - 1 -

1.2.2 密切联系其他各行业 - 3 -

1.2.3 涉及部门繁多 - 3 -

1.2.4 价格对市场具有依赖性 - 3 -

1.2.5 资金占用量大且占用时间长 - 4 -

1.2.6 受国家宏观经济政策影响巨大 - 4 -

1.3 财务风险概述 - 5 -

1.3.1 财务风险的概念 - 5 -

1.3.2财务风险的特征 - 5 -

1.4 财务风险的种类 - 5 -

1.4.1 筹资风险 - 5 -

1.4.2 投资风险 - 5 -

1.4.3 资金回收风险 - 6 -

1.4.4 收益分配风险 - 6 -

2 房地产企业财务风险现状及问题分析 - 7 -

2.1 房地产企业面临财务风险的特点 - 7 -

2.1.1 现金流量金额巨大 - 7 -

2.1.2 资金周转时间长 - 7 -

2.1.3 现金流分布不均匀 - 7 -

2.1.4 资金流向复杂繁多 - 8 -

2.1.5 现金流量具有较大的不确定性 - 8 -

2.1.6 易受宏观政策因素影响 - 8 -

2.2 房地产企业风险控制现状 - 9 -

2.2.1 管理层风险意识不足 - 9 -

2.2.2 缺乏财务风险防范措施、应对风险能力弱 - 9 -

2.2.3 缺乏完善的财务风险控制体系 - 10 -

3 案例研究——以万科地产为例 - 10 -

3.1 万科地产相关情况介绍 - 11 -

3.2 万科地产资产负债表及财务指标 - 12 -

3.2.1 流动资产结构分析表 - 12 -

3.2.2 万科成本利润分析表 - 12 -

3.3 万科地产面临的财务问题及经营风险 - 13 -

3.3.1 短期偿债能力分析 - 13 -

3.3.2营运能力指标分析 - 13 -

存货周转率 - 13 -

3.4 万科地产存在的财务风险 - 14 -

4 房地产企业财务风险防范 - 15 -

4.1 合理安排资金,保持盈利 - 16 -

4.2 保持资产的高度流动性 - 16 -

4.3 优化资本结构 - 16 -

4.4 重视政策的变动,正确进行投资 - 16 -

4.4.1 项目投资的可行性分析 - 16 -

4.4.2 制定后备措施 - 17 -

4.5 选择合适的区域进行房地产建设 - 17 -

结 论 - 17 -

致 谢 - 18 -

参考文献 - 19 -

附录 - 20 -

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