
 2021-04-08 08:04

摘 要



Reflections on the Construction of Financing Guarantee System for SMEs in China


The development of small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in the world, and their development often represent the strength of a country. So many countries have encouraged and supported it to some extent. Financing difficulty is a serious problem to the development of SMEs, which has aroused the attention of the community. The task of accelerating the reform of the financing guarantee system has become the most important thing in our country's development. The small and medium-sized enterprise financing guarantee institutions continue to increase in recent years. They have committed to alleviating the current small and medium-sized enterprises financing problems, to alleviate their bank loan limits, and provide funds to enterprises, they are the core of the financing guarantee system of our country, so it is worth studying. The financing guarantee institutions continue to reveal some problems in recent years, but some problems always existed. This paper thinks that there are some flaws in four aspects: SMEs, financing guarantee institutions, banks and government. These four aspects are necessary to improve China's guarantee system of long-term stable development. This article will study in reference to other countries experience and reference documents, combined with the reality of our country security system, to make some suggestions for SMEs financing guarantee system in our country.

Key words: SMEs, financing guarantee, guarantee system, risk guarantee

目 录

1.绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2选题目的 2

1.3研究方法 2

1.4研究内容 2

1.5文献综述 3

1.5.1国内文献综述 3

1.5.2国外文献综述 4

1.5.3综合述评 4

2. 我国中小企业融资及融资担保现状 6

2.1融资担保的含义 6

2.2我国中小企业融资担保体系发展历程 6

2.3我国中小企业融资状况 7

2.3.1中小企业的重要性 7

2.3.2中小企业融资难的现状 7

2.3.3我国中小企业融资担保方式 8

2.3.4中小企业融资渠道 8

2.3.5担保机构的利润水平 8

2.3.6担保模式的创新 9

3.我国中小企业融资担保体系存在的问题 10

3.1融资担保机构自身的问题 10

3.1.1担保机构规模小、资金不足带来的违规经营 10

3.1.2担保机构担保对象品种不足 10

3.1.3担保机构制度不完善 11

3.1.4担保机构人员专业水平不够 11

3.1.5担保机构风险高且分散风险能力不足,缺乏再担保机构 11

3.1.6担保机构在担保费方面存在技术障碍 11

3.2政府在融资担保方面的相关问题 11

3.2.1 “一体两翼”模式存在缺陷 12

3.2.2政府对融资担保机构缺乏相关支持政策 12

3.2.3政府监管不到位 12

3.2.4相关法律滞后 13

3.3中小企业自身的问题 13

3.3.1融资渠道局限 13

3.3.2抵押贷款能力不足 14

3.3.3中小企业信用风险较高 14

4.中小企业融资担保体系国际间的比较 15

4.1欧美国家中小企业融资担保体系 15

4.2日韩的中小企业融资担保体系 15

4.3归纳总结 15

5.完善我国中小企业融资担保体系的对策和建议 17

5.1完善融资担保机构的自身建设 17

5.1.1加强机构管理 17

5.1.2加强风险控制 17

5.2政府的相关措施 17

5.2.1完善相关立法加大扶持力度 17

5.2.2建立风险防范补偿机制 17

5.2.3加强对担保机构的监管 18

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