
 2021-04-08 08:04

摘 要

2 0世纪末,随着中国改革开放政策的开始,加上中国人多地广,劳动力价格低廉,原料资源丰富,生产出来的产品价格低廉,备受世界市场亲赖。制造业总产值一直占据着中国GDP的大半壁江山。然而,随着市场经济的迅猛发展,世界全球化进程加快,制造业竞争激烈,国内的企业不仅有本国的竞争对手,更有来自国外企业的垄断竞争和排挤。在这种经济形势下,企业如何有效进行成本控制,提高企业综合竞争力,是每个企业管理者关心的问题。




At the end of the 20th century, with the beginning of China's reform and opening-up policy, coupled with the wide range of Chinese people, low labor prices, rich raw material resources, low prices of products produced by the world market. Manufacturing industry output has been dominated by half of China's GDP. However, with the rapid development of the market economy, the process of global globalization is accelerating and the manufacturing industry is highly competitive. Domestic enterprises not only have their own competitors but also monopolistic competition and exclusion from foreign enterprises. In this economic situation, how to effectively carry out cost control, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises, is the concern of each business managers.

This paper introduces the current situation of China's manufacturing industry, starting from the appearance, to explore how effective cost control, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises, increase operating profit. To a high-tech manufacturing enterprises - LSG company, for example, a comprehensive introduction to business status, analysis of the current business cost control issues related to the purchase, production, sales in all aspects, the purpose is to help companies find the current cost High reason for the establishment of a comprehensive cost control system to provide the basis for improving the core competitiveness of enterprises in the precision manufacturing industry, to obtain more profits. The first part introduces the background, significance, domestic and foreign research status, research methods and innovation of manufacturing industry. The second chapter introduces the current theory of manufacturing costs and the number of Chinese manufacturing enterprises in the cost control and the gap between the world's advanced countries, there are problems. In the third chapter, taking LSG as an example, this paper introduces the organization structure and department function of the enterprise, introduces the three aspects of purchasing cost, production cost and sales cost, and finally summarizes the control measures for all links and the overall cost. The paper first introduces the basic theory, and then the reality, in order to learn the practice of LSG as a basis to small glimpse of the key to improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

Keywords: manufacturing cost; purchasing cost; activity-cost method; total cost control


摘要 1

Abstract 2

1绪论 6

1.1研究的背景 6

1.2研究的目的及意义 6

1.2.1研究的目的 6

1.2.2研究的意义 7

1.3 国内外成本控制理论 7

1.3.1国外研究理论 7

1.3.2国内研究理论 9

1.4 研究内容和方法 10

1.4.1 研究内容 10

1.4.2 研究方法 11

1.5本文创新点 11

2 制造企业中的成本控制理论 12

2.1目标成本法 12

2.2 作业成本法 12

2.3 价值链成本控制方法 13

2.4战略成本控制方法 13

3 我国制造业发展现状及成本控制问题 15

3.1我国制造业发展现状 15

3.1.1 制造业行业增长速度放缓 15

3.1.2各行业间发展结构实力不均 15

3.1.3综合竞争力不强 15

3.2 企业生产各环节存在成本控制问题 16

3.2.1 产品设计研发成本控制不佳 16

3.2.2 采购环节成本高 16

3.2.3生产过程成本控制不佳 16

4 LSG集团成本管理控制分析 18

4.1 LSG集团经营管理体系介绍 18

4.1.1 集团基本经营状况 18

4.1.2产品生产基本流程 18

4.1.3产品成本构成和其他费用构成 20

4.2 LSG成本控制现存状况分析 21

4.2.1采购成本控制现状分析 21

4.2.2生产成本控制现状 23

4.2.3.销售成本控制现状 26

5 LSG公司成本控制优化措施建议 28

5.1运用目标成本控制法,合理控制研发及生产成本 28

5.2制定合适的采购战略,规范职员权责 28

5.3加强生产成本控制管理,提高员工工作积极性 29

5.4建立作业成本核算体系,精确成本计算 29

5.5整合企业各个价值链环节,形成全面成本控制 30

5.6打造“绿色智造”的先进企业文化,加强科技核心竞争力 31

5.7全面分析行业趋势,找准定位谋求发展 31

总结 33

致谢 34

参考文献 35



从国有制经济到社会主义市场经济,中国制造业企业一直扮演者中国经济中的重要角色。中国人多地广,自然资源丰富,这是中国成为制造业大国的天生优势。1988年之后,随着政策的开放,加入WTO以及改革的深入,中国制造业开始走向世界。起初,中国沿海城市建成了很多出口导向型的企业,为国外知名企业代工生产,利用自身的低成本优势,赢得了世界制造市场的青睐。同时本国国内人口急剧增长,内需增长,也使得制造业企业迅猛发展。到2007年,中国制造业产值达到中国GDP的40%。但随着我国人力成本的上升,制造业优势不再明显,很多著名服装制造业,电子产品制造业纷纷撤资关厂,将工厂转向越南、泰国等东南亚国家,“Made in China”慢慢被“Made in Thailand”“Made in Vietnam”所代替。

与此同时,国际经济的动荡不安,科技发展的速度加快,互联网 冲击,内需饱和等等问题,不断给中国制造业带来挑战。企业管理者的最重要的目标就是盈利,只有盈利才能更好的发展。如何在保持产品品质的情况下,降低产品生产成本,提高市场占有率是很多企业管理者不断在探索的。

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