
 2021-04-08 08:04

摘 要



Research on the disclosure of financial information in Colleges and Universities


Education is the foundation of modernization is the foundation of our country, with the deepening of the reform of government supervision of higher school education, financial management in University as a government is indispensable in the financial information has attracted public attention, so the government departments will also focus on the institutions of higher learning, the two files at the same time "in Colleges and universities the Information Disclosure Measures" and "college finance system" promulgated also reflects the government's concern degree. The financial information disclosure of the discussion, analyze and summarize the college financial information disclosure benefits and disadvantages through domestic and foreign university financial information disclosure at home and abroad on university financial information processing system promulgated by comparison, according to the research design questionnaire to collect data through questionnaires. Get to college students in the school of financial information disclosure perceptions and expectations, summarizes some problems existing in the process of China's public universities. Finally, according to the deficiencies of the financial information disclosure, the paper puts forward some suggestions and suggestions.

Keywords: colleges and universities management ; Financial information; information disclose


1绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2选题意义 1

2文献综述 3

3国内外高校信息披露现状 3

3.1国内高校披露现状 3

3.2国外高校财务信息披露现状 4

3.3小结:对高校财务信息的披露应该进行选择 7

4国内外制度对比介绍 8

4.1完善的信息披露制度体系 8

4.2 完善的信息披露指南 8

4.3财务报表分类明确披露内容 8

5高校财务信息披露调查调研 10

5.1问卷调查表的设计 10

5.2具体调查结果统计分析 10

5.3对问卷调查的结果进行SWOT分析 14

6总结高校财务披露的原则 16

6.1详实性原则 16

6.2 可理解性原则 16

6.3 可比性原则 16

7高校财务披露中存在的问题 17

8高校财务信息披露完善建议 20

结论 23

致谢 24

参考文献 25

附录:问卷调查 27


1.1 选题背景

近年来,我国高校负债累累的新闻频见报端。高校作为我国教育体系中至关重要的一环,长久以来对其的监管处于弱势地位 ,公众对其内部管理的认识几乎处于盲区。2012年《高校财务制度》和《高校会计制度》的依次颁布,随即两年后教育部针对高校财务公开事项又出台了《关于公布〈 高等学校信息公开事项清单〉的通知》,由此可以看出我国在高等教育领域的财务信息披露体系在逐渐建立并完善。然而,笔者在实践中发现,高校财务信息披露制度执行不到位的现象十分普遍,有的不按期发布财务信息,有的难以查询,更多的则是信息发布不完全,关键信息缺乏,缺少条理,成为摆设和应付,使得财务工作极易成为贪污腐化的温床。真正按教育部要求发布财务信息的高校寥寥无几。


1.2 选题意义





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