
 2021-04-08 07:04

摘 要





Analysis of the Impact of Collective Forest Right System Reform on Under forest Economic Development


After the reform of the collective forest rights system, China's forestry economy has become increasingly standardized and has good economic benefits. Through the development history and current situation of the reform of collective forest rights system, this paper discusses and analyzes the policies in the process of forest tenure reform, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, it studies the current situation and mode of economic development under the forest, summarizes the problems that arise in the development of China's forests, and proposes solutions. After that, we will combine the two to analyze how the reform of the collective forest rights system affects the economic development of the forest, analyze the advantages and disadvantages, and give relevant suggestions.
At the end of this paper, Jiangsu Province will be taken as an example to discuss in depth the specific promotion and hindrance of the reform of the collective forest rights system to the economic development of the forest, analyze the data, think deeply, and put forward relevant opinions. Exploring the initiative of the participants in the forestry sector, enhancing the development of forest resources, increasing the proportion of planting, completely liberating the productivity of farmers, investing in forestland construction activities, and increasing farmers' income.

Key words: Collective Forest rights;Under forest economy;Jiangsu Province; Reform measures;


1前言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的与意义 1

1.2.1研究的目的 1

1.2.2研究的意义 1

1.3研究现状 2

2 相关理论概述 3

2.1集体林权制度改革的概念 3

2.2林下经济的概念 3

3我国集体林权制度改革历程 4

3.1集体林权制度改革史 4

1土改时期——分山分林到户。 4

2农业合作化时期——山林入社。 4

3人民公社——山林归大家、合力经营。 4

4改革开放——林革初起步。 5

3.2集体林权制度改革现状 5

4. 我国林下经济发展历程 7

4.1我国林下经济发展史 7

4.2我国林下经济发展现状 7

4.3现阶段我国林下经济发展的成效——在集体林权改革后 8

5林权改革给林下经济带来的弊端分析 11

5.1政策变动频繁 11

5.2实际操作困难 11

6解决问题方法的分析 12

6.1优选林下经济产业发展模式 12

6.2政府借势 12

4.5.3部门借力 13

4.5.4 引进人才,强化培训 14

7具体案例分析——以江苏省为例 15

7.1江苏省林下经济概况 15

7.2江苏省集体林权改革措施 16

7.2.1林地流转——公益林 16

7.2.2 龙头企业认定 16

7.2.3林权证颁发 17

7.3对江苏省林下经济发展的推动 17

7.3.1保证生物多样性 17

7.3.2 以大带小 17

7.3.3 明确林地属权 17

7.4 对江苏省林下经济发展“查漏补缺” 18

7.4.1健全补偿金制度 18

7.4.2打破企业垄断 18

结论 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21





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