
 2021-04-08 12:04

摘 要




A Study on the Financial Performance Analysis of Suning


With the development of network economy and the continuous growth of electronic commerce industry, the domestic home appliance retail chain industry has rapidly transformed from tradition to Internet. Nowadays, Chinese Internet retail chain industry of home appliance shows the trend of diversified development, and the market competition is increasingly fierce.

Taking Suning purchase as the research object, the article uses the method of structure analysis, trend analysis to process its financial statements provided by the data from 2013 to 2017. Through analysing the profit ability, operation ability, debt paying ability, development ability and so on, the study founds that Suning passed through a hard strategic transformation, its financial conditions continue to improve, its transformation works out, and it has a very big development space. But at the meantime, Suning also has the problem of low receivables turnover rate and high cash ratio. This paper argues that Suning should improve its operating efficiency, capital structure and profitability while expanding its market scale.

Key words:Suning;Financial Statement;Comparative Analysis;

目 录

1 财务报表分析概述 - 1 -

1.1 研究目的与意义 - 1 -

1.2 财务报表分析概念 - 1 -

1.3 财务报表分析方法 - 1 -

2 苏宁易购财务报表项目分析 - 3 -

2.1 苏宁易购概况 - 3 -

2.2 资产负债表分析 - 3 -

2.2.1 资产分析 - 4 -

2.2.2 负债分析 - 6 -

2.2.3 所有者权益分析 - 8 -

2.3 利润表分析 - 9 -

2.3.1 营业收入分析 - 10 -

2.3.2 营业成本分析 - 11 -

2.3.3 利润分析 - 12 -

2.4 现金流量表分析 - 13 -

2.4.1 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 - 14 -

2.4.2 投资活动产生的现金流量金额 - 14 -

2.4.3 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 - 14 -

3 苏宁易购财务指标分析 - 16 -

3.1 偿债能力 - 16 -

3.1.1 短期偿债能力 - 16 -

3.1.2 长期偿债能力 - 18 -

3.2 营运能力 - 20 -

3.2.1 应收账款周转率 - 20 -

3.2.2 存货周转率 - 20 -

3.2.3 流动资产周转率 - 21 -

3.2.4 总资产周转率 - 22 -

3.3 盈利能力 - 23 -

3.3.1 销售毛利率 - 23 -

3.3.2 销售利润率 - 23 -

3.3.3 销售净利率 - 24 -

3.3.4 总资产报酬率 - 25 -

3.3.5 净资产收益率 - 25 -

3.3.6 每股收益 - 26 -

3.4 发展能力分析 - 27 -

3.4.1 主营业务收入增长率 - 27 -

3.4.2 净利润增长率 - 27 -

3.4.3 总资产增长率 - 28 -

4 结论与建议 - 30 -

4.1 研究结论 - 30 -

4.1.1 盈利能力方面 - 30 -

4.1.2 营运能力方面 - 30 -

4.1.3 偿债能力方面 - 30 -

4.1.4 发展能力方面 - 30 -

4.2 建议 - 30 -

4.2.1 降低资产负债率 - 30 -

4.2.2 控制成本费用 - 30 -

4.2.3 提高应收账款周转率 - 31 -

4.3 展望 - 31 -

致 谢 - 32 -

参考文献 - 33 -

1 财务报表分析概述

1.1 研究目的与意义

近年来,中国宏观经济形势总体比较稳定,城市化建设不断推进,居民可支配收入迅速增加,巨大的消费潜力为零售行业的发展提供了良好条件。并且如今互联网深入到生活各处,传统零售企业重视电子商务,开始向线下线上联合营运的 O2O模式转型。零售业的经营战略也逐渐倾向于刺激和满足消费者多元化的需求,同时不断融入大数据等新科技,新业态不断出现,零售市场发展相对稳定。国家统计局公布的数据显示,2017年我国商品零售额超过32.7万亿元,比上年增长10.2%,增涨幅度与2016年相比略微下降;网上商品零售额超过7万亿元,较上年增长32.2%,增长幅度与2016年相比提高6个百分点。2018年我国商品零售额超38万亿元,与上年相比增长9.0%;网上商品零售额达到9万亿元,与上年相比增长23.9%。


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