
 2021-04-08 12:04

摘 要





Research on Effects That Made by Financing Structure on the Company Performance of the Real Estate Enterprises


Real-estate industry enterprises occupy a very important position In the national economic system of china, influencing not only the needs of investment and living in daily life, but also playing a great role in promoting the development of the National economy.

This article makes a brief description of financing structure and company performance at first, and then makes a general analysis on Real-estate industry, stating the status and the developing process of Real-estate industry. At the same time, it also analyses the financing structure and company performance of the Real Estate Enterprises, by making regression analysis model, it confirms the hypothesizes which was proposed about effect on company performance which was made by the financing structure of the Real Estate Enterprises. At last, it draws the conclusion that assets liabilities ratio and quick ratio, long-term capital debt ratio have strongly negative and weakly negative correlation to company performance separately。

Debating the influence on company performance that the financing structure exerted does good in helping the Real Estate Enterprises to make sure the proper financing structure, makes readjustment on financing structure correctly to make good use of advancement of debt financing so that to avoiding financial risks. It also helps increasing company performance by optimizing financing structure.

Key words: Real-estate industry; Debt financing structure; Company performance; Regression analysis

目 录

1前言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的及研究意义 1

2相关理论及概念界定 3

2.1融资结构的界定、分类及相关指标 3

2.1.1融资结构的界定、分类 3

2.1.2分析融资结构的指标 3

2.2公司绩效的界定、影响因素及相关指标 4

2.2.1公司绩效的界定、影响因素 4

2.2.2评价公司绩效的相关指标 5

3 房地产行业发展特征及融资特征 6

3.1我国房地产行业的发展及特征 6

3.2我国房地产企业的融资结构特征 9

4 房地产行业上市公司债务融资结构与公司绩效的实证分析 11

4.1样本选择与数据来源 11

4.2变量的选择 11

4.2.1解释变量 11

4.2.2被解释变量 12

4.3研究假设 13

4.4模型建立 14

4.5稳健Hausman检验 15

4.6回归分析结果 15

结论 17

致谢 18

参考文献 19

附录1 21

附录2 23



我国的房地产行业起步较晚 ,且发展基于我国社会主义土地公有制国情之上,因而受政策影响较大,在不同时期的表现不同、营运方式也不同。鉴于此,从21世纪以来,一直有学者对房地产行业不断进行各方面的研究,而这些研究报告等也为国家制定相关政策促进经济稳定增长起到了重要作用。





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