
 2021-04-14 12:04

摘 要



Research on the risk control of personal financial investment in China's commercial banks


This paper analysis the status of China's commercial banks personal financial services based on the face of personal financial business of China's commercial banks risk and risk control research, to explore the measures and methods of risk control of personal financial business of commercial banks, the Chinese commercial banks in the personal financial business risk prevention and control mechanism, there are still many problems, this article an overview of the personal financial services of commercial banks in revealing the possible risks in the process of development, and on the basis of the corresponding risk control theory, the risk control problem of the present stage are analyzed, the research on risk control of personal financial business of commercial banks has important practical significance.

Specific steps are as follows, first, an overview of our country commercial bank personal finance and investment risk control research; second, the commercial banks personal financial investment and development status are described; third, carries on the elaboration to the commercial bank personal financial risk; fourth, the use of case analysis to analyze the main problems existing in the risk control. Fifth, finally put forward the development strategy of China's commercial bank financing. The personal financial services of commercial bank risk control status of a series of studies, for the relevant theory and research are summarized and discussed. Analysis stage risk control problems, and this can effectively solve the problem of means and methods, to lay the foundation for further study.

keyword:Commercial bank; personal financing business ;risk control

目 录

前 言 1

1 商业银行个人理财投资风险控制概述 2

1.1我国商业银行个人理财业务概述 2

1.2商业银行个人业务风险的概述 3

1.3我国商业银行风险控制概述 4

2 商业银行个人理财业务发展现状 5

2.1.国外商业银行个人理财业务的发展 5

2.2国内商业银行个人理财业务的发展 5

3 商业银行个人理财业务风险控制存在的问题 7

3.1科学的风险控制理念未能全面建立 7

3.2理财客户类型评估不到位 8

3.3理财产品研发与创新能力薄弱 8

3.4风险控制中的复合型人才短缺 8

3.5理财产品的信息披露不充分 9

4个人理财投资风险管控案例分析 10

4.1中国工商银行发展理财业务的优势 10

4.2工商银行个人理财业务风险控制中存在的问题 11

4.3解决中国工商银行理财投资风险管控的办法 12

5 加强我国商业银行个人理财风险控制的对策 13

5.1商业银行要合理细分市场 13

5.2强化防范个人业务风险意识 14

5.3树立优秀理财品牌形象 15

5.4培养专业理财人员 16

总 结 17

致 谢 19

参考文献 20

前 言


商业银行伴随着这种情势迎来了属于自己专属的发展空间,理财业务渐渐成为了各大银行的主攻的重点对象,并逐步转型,成为了银行吸引广大新老顾客,并扩大其市场份额的核心业务与中坚力量。自1995 年中国工商银行深圳分行成立“理财部”以来,银行理财的概念就首次的引入中国,并于2014年上半年,我国商业银行的理财产品销售数量已经突破两万款大关。但是,由于商业银行理财业务起步晚、发展与机制不同步,加之2008年的金融危机冲击,及我国国内多次加息的势态,我国商业银行的个人理财业务也遭受了严重影响,这种情况下,如何加强对个人理财投资风险控制研究,针对对客户的个人资金现状、个人需求、个人目标都是当前实施理财业务过程中应充分考虑

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