
 2021-04-08 12:04

摘 要






(英文题目)Comparison of Alipay's settlement methods in International Trade


With the increasing prosperity of electronic commerce, online payment has entered our daily life.

Alipay's main characteristic is safe, simple, fast, its payment rule is the third-party payment platform agent to receive and pay the buyer's money, and after receiving the buyer inspection qualified notice, the payment will be transferred to the seller. Thus ensuring the smooth completion of the entire trading process. Secondly, Alipay and major banks at home and abroad have established a partnership. As long as you have a major bank card, you can smoothly use Alipay to achieve payment. Alipay operation process: buyer to buy satisfied goods-buyer payment to Alipay-Alipay notice seller delivery-seller delivery to buyer-buyer after the acceptance of goods to notify Alipay payment -Alipay pays the seller.

At present, the main international settlement methods are remittance, collection, letter of credit and bank guarantee, the first two use commercial credit, the other two are based on bank credit. So far, the advantages and disadvantages of international settlement have been found as follows: remittance and collection are convenient and quick, which is not conducive to the exporter's financing loan, and the collection risk is high; However, it increases the cost of the importer, increases the risk of non-conformity of goods, and may face the embarrassment of non-conformity of documents, which puts the importer at a disadvantage in trade. This makes it difficult for buyers and sellers to obtain a fair trading position in trade.

Based on the safe, simple and fast characteristics of Alipay, this paper discusses how to introduce a high credit third-party payment platform similar to Alipay to international trade settlement to solve its existing problems in order to improve the efficiency of international trade settlement. This paper discusses the possible problems of Alipay's integration into international trade settlement.

Key words:Alipay; International Trade; settlement method; Electronic Commerce, Internet Finance


第1章 绪论 5

1.1 研究背景及意义 5

1.2.1 国内外研究动态综述 5

1.2.2 研究内容及方法 7

以上主要参考研究文献价值综合评价表 (配1.2.1部分) 7

第2章 国际贸易结算的概念、特点及双方地位 8

2.1 国际支付结算的概念 8

2.2 国际支付结算的特点 9

2.3 国际贸易结算中双方的地位 10

第3章 支付宝作为第三方支付效益评价 12

3.1 支付宝流程及其运作原理 12

2.2 支付宝的现状及效果 13

4.3 将支付宝引入国际结算的设想 13

结 论 17

致 谢 18

参考文献 19

  1. 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义


1.2.1 国内外研究动态综述

2001年 方士华在立信会计高等专科学校学报中刊登论文《我国银行结算中国内结算与国际结算的比较分析》,文中讨论国内结算和国际结算目前还存在许多差异 ,消除这种差异 ,尽早和国际惯例接轨 ,有助于社会主义市场经济的支付结算体系的建立和完整。

2003年 电子商务世界刊登《互联网结算新模式蓄势待发》一文中提及由于在Internet发展上占得了先机,美国利用主机数量、网络规模和水平、流量上、用户数量、内容等方面的优势,要求其它国家在Internet国际结算中支付两个半电路费用。 更多还原

2009年 丁梅生; 陈婧在黑龙江对外经贸中发表的《国际货物买卖第三方——“支付宝”》中研究的话题。加入世界贸易组织后我国贸易飞速发展,外贸额连创新高,但与此同时我国外贸坏账额也屡创新高,外贸坏账率高达5%左右,是西方国家坏账率的10倍。据统计,我国外贸结算方式70%以上采用信用证方式,结算方式单一是坏账率居高不下的原因之一。借鉴互联网交易平台的支付方式,创立一种类似的贸易结算方式,以期在现行结算方式的基础上进行新的探索,改善我国外贸结算境况。 

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